outdoor rental LED display screens |
The followings are some basic knowledge about outdoor rental LED display screens. This article is presented by Glux Visual Effects Tech, hope that these knowledge can help you to use the screen better on your audio visual events.
1.Pixel pitch;
The pixel pitch refers to the distance between two neighboring pixels, each pixel is a LED chips. The pixel pitch will influence the screen’s clearance, view distance and visual effects.
2.Total amount of LED modules needed for your event;
A whole LED screen is assembled by various LED modules. Different LED screen rental service providers have different size LED modules. To calculate the total amount of LED modules you need for your audio visual event, you need to know the provider’s module size first. Module number = total size ÷ module size. Sometimes, the LED screens size is near to your size demand if your length and width demand are not integer.
3.Is higher brightness better for your event?
Actually, it is not. The higher the brightness is, the higher the price will be. In addition, people may feel dazzling and uncomfortable, this is not good for the audience viewing experience. Some of the outdoor screen rental service provider told you that higher brightness is better, it is not true. The best way is to consider according to the environment of your event place.
4.What pixel pitch LED screens you need to choose? The smaller, the better?
The answer is No. This will also consider according to the practical situation of your event. If the view distance is not far, you should use small pixel outdoor rental LED display screens so as to bring better view effects to your audience. If the view distance is far, choose larger pixel LED screen is better. Smaller pixel pitch LED screens is more expensive, you can use larger pixel screen to save lot of money, you can also get nice visual effect.
5.The normal lifespan of LED screens;
Normally, the lifespan of outdoor rental LED display screens is 75000-100000 hours. The lifespan of LED screens is influences by many aspects. On one hand, the quality of the components will determines the screen’s lifespan; on the other hand, the user’s application, maintenance work will also influence its lifespan.
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