Useful Ways to Prolong Rental LED Display Screens Lifespan During the Application

rental LED screens
rental LED display screens

Whether it is traditional electronic products or LED screen, if we want to make their life longer, during the daily use, we should not only pay attention to the application method, but also should do some routine maintenance to the LED screens. The followings will share us some rental LED display screens daily maintenance methods.
1. Check the components of rental LED display screens regularly.
1). If there is any damaged components in the LED screen, repair or change it immediately, otherwise these components may influence the LED screen’s working stability and damage it;
2). When received bad weather forecast, Check the working stability and safety of the components in the rental LED screens. If there is any problem, solve it quickly to avoid unnecessary damage;
3). Paint or cover some protection materials on the surface of the LED screens, supporting structure regularly;
4). Ask the engineer of your LED screen rental service providers to do at least two times of comprehensive review to the LED screens every year;
2. The rental LED screen provider should check the defective products regularly;
As for the defective products, the LED screen rental service providers should not send them to the customer. The engineer should check the defective products regularly and maintain, repair the screens timely.
3. The cleaning and maintenance work to the rental LED display screens.
1). Use soft brush to wipe the dust on the LED screen softly;
2). Do not use water to clean the surface of the screen, otherwise the screen may get short circuit and damaged;
3). Do regular clean work according to the application environment situation.
4. Make sure the power supply system of the rental LED display screens work normally.
1). Check if all the connection wires, connection joints are connected safely and normally;
2). Make sure the grounding equipment work normally, check it regularly;
3). Check the electric wires regularly, make sure the wires are not broken;
4). Do at least two times of comprehensive review to the whole power supplying system every year.
5. Check the controlling system of the rental LED display screens regularly.
1). Check each of the functions according to the pre-set conditions;
2). Check all the lines, equipment and controller of the rental LED screens regularly, make sure they all work normally; if there is any problem to the controlling system, ask your LED screen rental service providers to repair and solve it;
The quality of rental LED display screens is influenced by the LED screen rental factories, but the users can prolong their lifespan by our daily maintenance. Under the same quality condition, if the users can protect and maintain the LED screens better, the LED screens’ lifespan will be prolonged.

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