Use Outdoor Rental LED Display Screens to Create Better Visual Effects for Stage Events

In recent years, stage events are using LED screens more and more frequently. For outdoor stage events like concerts, celebrations and ceremonies, it is better to use outdoor rental LED display screens. Because outdoor LED screens can bring better visual effects.
With the improvement of science and technology, rental LED screens are designed with lighter weight, more reasonable structure, more excellent visual performance. The LED screen rental service providers are optimizing and upgrading their LED screens structure and performance so as to improve their products competitive power.
Firstly, lets see the outdoor rental LED display screens unique features.
1. Mask. Todays rental LED screens will use masks on the surface of screens. This kind of design is not only good for protect the LED chips, but also good for the engineers maintenance work. In addition, there is no screws on surface of it, make the screens surface more flatness.
2. Easy for maintaining. Outdoor rental use LED screens are designed easier for maintain. For example, Gluxs outdoor rental screens use LED modules to make up a LED panel. If any part of the panel has problem, we can only take off that module and fix it (our modules are inserted on a signal and power board at back of the screen, very easy to be disassembled).
3. Excellent heat dissipation ability. Gluxs LED screens have low heat generation when they are working, and its heat dissipation ability is also very excellent. There is a LCD board at back of our LED screens, it can show us the screens real-time temperature, and continuous working time so that we can know their working status.
Since we have an excellent outdoor rental LED display screens, how can we use it better and make it bring better performance for our outdoor stage events?
1. Appropriate viewing distance. Different pixel pitch outdoor rental screens have different application, their viewing distance is also different. When using them, it is better to choose according to your events practical view distance request.
2. Better application environment. The application environment will influence LED screens working stability, lifespan, visual experience, especially for outdoor rental LED display screens. For example, if the real working environment temperature is higher than the screens working temperature, then the lifespan of components on LED screens will shorten, and the screens will be damaged. If we use the screens at dusty environment, the screen components heat dissipation ability will be influenced with more and more dust are depositing on the screens. With the screens heat dissipation ability decreased, their working status and performance will also decrease. Thats why the outdoor screen rental service providers always advice the users to clean up the dust on the screens.
In general, outdoor rental LED display screens have excellent visual performance. It is very good choice for outdoor stage events. 

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